I have been intentionally playing more and working less, I have found that I’ve been increasing productivity by doing this and you can do the same. In episode 21 of the Breakthrough Babe Podcast, we are going to talk about the concept of playing more and working less, and how that can boost your productivity!
But before we dive right in, let me introduce myself in case this is your first visit. I am your host, Jen Gitomer, creator of Breakthrough Babe and author of the best-selling book, Sales in a New York Minute.
And it is time to make massive breakthroughs in YOUR life. With each episode, you are going to move past your fears of asking for the sale, learn to build deep connections that lead to meaningful business results, and master sales strategies that will help you grow and scale your business. Each week, I will be providing you with tips to avoid common mistakes in your business, teach hacks to help you grow and scale faster, and teach you to ALWAYS ask for the sale with confidence.
It is time for you, the Breakthrough Babe, to create more sales, income, and connections in your business. Let’s get started!
In this episode, we are diving into the topic of playing more and working less, and what that can do for you in terms of increasing productivity. And for even more juicy details, listen to ALL of episode 21 of the Breakthrough Babe Podcast on your fave streaming platform.
People are one of the elements behind play. Who are you hanging out with and spending time with? With quarantine and everything going on, you may be hanging out in person or on video chat but it doesn’t matter how you are hanging out. What matters is who are you spending time with, consuming information from, direct messaging, or following on social media. That can lead to play because depending on how serious or not they are, they can make you laugh and lighten the mood.
When I used to work for a Fortune 500 company after college, I worked with very successful older men. I figured to be taken seriously I needed to be serious. While they’d all go out and drink, I’d never have a drink because I didn’t want to lose control or say something dumb and be looked at as the young kid not to be taken seriously. I wasn’t having any fun though, and the reality is that you can create fun when you’re an entrepreneur.
In this episode of The Breakthrough Business Babe Podcast, we will be discussing how to create the game plan for your most productive days yet!
This is for female entrepreneurs who want to sell without being salesy, get to that next level, create consistent income and create both time and financial freedom.
Join and create YOUR breakthrough, babe.
In this episode of The Breakthrough Business Babe Podcast, I’m sharing principles of marketing that are effective in ANY time and situation!
Almost every day I always ask myself what would my younger self want to do? It sounds corny but if the younger version of me was able to have any kind of day she’d want, what would she do? Sometimes that’s going to Krispy Kreme and getting a donut. Sometimes it means hanging out with Gabrielle and doing something out of my ordinary but not out of hers. For example today, we worked on her kiwi crate. For moms, I recommend this, we did all these science experiments together, no phones, and no technology. We were just having a good time.
You need that time to step away from your business and allow time to not be working non-stop. You don’t sign up to be an entrepreneur to be stressed out all the time. When you can step away from your business, look at life through different perspectives, it will help you gain additional viewpoints where you can help your clients or create new programs. I try to incorporate this play factor every single day, play is necessary for increasing productivity. It is ingrained in our souls from when we are young yet somehow as adults we stop and think we have to be serious now.
Jen Gitomer gained her prowess in NYC as both a salesperson and award-winning sales leader for a Fortune 500 company. She left corporate America to fulfill her entrepreneurial dream. Jennifer helps entrepreneurs increase their revenue and profit through her proven sales strategies. In addition to the Breakthrough Business Babe Podcast, Jennifer co-hosts the Sell or Die podcast with her husband, Jeffrey.
She is the best-selling Author of Sales in a New York Minute – 212 Pages of Real-World, Easy to Implement Sales Strategies to Make More Sales, Build Loyal Relationships and Make More Money, the CEO and Founder of Breakthrough Business Babe and a master business growth coach. When she’s not working, you’ll find Jen planning her next Paris trip, taking a yoga class, playing tennis, or hanging out with her family and Cavalier King Charles fur babies.
I know with quarantine again and everything happening in our world, many people are cooped up at home. Now, you can start to go out a little bit more. Think about where you can go to create that fun and increase productivity for your business. Can you work from a coffee shop? Go outside or sit on your patio? For me, that place is the beach. I rediscovered my sense of play this summer at the beach, it’s something about being in the sand and jumping in the waves of the ocean.
My goal for you with this is to incorporate at least one fun date with yourself and I want you to call it your name, for example, a Jen date. It’s a date with yourself to just go out and have fun. I have realized by taking more time off and putting more intentional time into my business, I am increasing productivity. There’s no way any normal human being can sit at a computer screen all day long and remain fully focused the entire time. A lot of people may sit at their desk for 8 hours, but you can’t tell me that’s 8 hours of full productivity.
So here’s your breakthrough game plan: Go out and have some fun! Go play. If you want to double down on this challenge, go play every day for the next week. Then, let me know how much more increased productivity you notice. By allowing yourself some playtime, you are opening your mind up to so much more potential and opportunity.
Don’t forget to tune in to episode 21 of the Breakthrough Babe Podcast. And if you love this episode, don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it on your Instagram stories and tag me @jengitomer so that we can spread this important message to even more entrepreneurs and biz babes!