This concept I’m going to share with you today is so massive and needed in our everyday lives. In episode 26 of the Breakthrough Babe Podcast, I am diving into how you can shift perspective and be open to trying new things when it comes to business. I want to talk more about how you can embrace change and try new things!
But before we dive right in, let me introduce myself in case this is your first visit. I am your host, Jen Gitomer, creator of Breakthrough Babe and author of the best-selling book, Sales in a New York Minute.
And it is time to make massive breakthroughs in YOUR life. With each episode, you are going to move past your fears of asking for the sale, learn to build deep connections that lead to meaningful business results, and master sales strategies that will help you grow and scale your business. Each week, I will be providing you with tips to avoid common mistakes in your business, teach hacks to help you grow and scale faster, and teach you to ALWAYS ask for the sale with confidence.
It is time for you, the Breakthrough Babe, to create more sales, income, and connections in your business. Let’s get started!
In this episode, we are going to dive into how you can shift perspective and be open to change. And for even more juicy details, listen to ALL of episode 26 of the Breakthrough Babe Podcast on your fave streaming platform.
The other day I was walking down to the beach for my morning routine beach walk, and a lady was sitting there on a towel. From behind, it looked like she was sitting Indian style and I made an assumption she was meditating with the sunrise. The sun was rising, but I believed that she was meditating. As I got closer to her, I was impressed by how still and focused she was in her practice. It wasn’t until I came around her to get to the other side that I realized she was not meditating, she had a young child in her lap. They were both happily watching the sunrise.
Now I didn’t realize that I never saw a child when I was behind her. If someone had asked me if she had a child with her, my belief would have been so strong that she didn’t. I’m illustrating and sharing this with you because sometimes we get so hung up on our beliefs, we believe something to be true so strongly that it becomes fact to us. For example, you may believe you’re not good at selling or a certain skill. The truth is it’s just a belief, it’s not fact.
In this episode of The Breakthrough Business Babe Podcast, we will be discussing how to create the game plan for your most productive days yet!
This is for female entrepreneurs who want to sell without being salesy, get to that next level, create consistent income and create both time and financial freedom.
Join and create YOUR breakthrough, babe.
In this episode of The Breakthrough Business Babe Podcast, I’m sharing principles of marketing that are effective in ANY time and situation!
I want you to take a walk for a second on the other side of where you’re at in your business. Take a walk on the other side of your career, personal life, everything that matters to you. View the other perspective. Right now I’m offering a two-day workshop, it’s focused to create money on demand for people who have an expertise that wants to package it in a transformational day for their clients while charging a higher rate than they normally charge. I always put myself in my customer’s shoes, just like when you’re selling anything, you need to do the same. Understand their perspective and understand their beliefs.
From doing this, I already know one of the objections I will receive when I tell people they can charge more and make a greater impact. They’re going to tell me, “Jen, if I charge more, nobody will buy”, that’s simply their belief. What I’m asking you to do is open your mind and venture out to the other side. See the full picture. Ask yourself, is your belief true? Is there anyone out there right now charging a premium price for a premium service, and are people buying? If the answer is yes, then what your belief is simply not a fact. It’s only a belief and it’s limiting you from your full potential.
Jen Gitomer gained her prowess in NYC as both a salesperson and award-winning sales leader for a Fortune 500 company. She left corporate America to fulfill her entrepreneurial dream. Jennifer helps entrepreneurs increase their revenue and profit through her proven sales strategies. In addition to the Breakthrough Business Babe Podcast, Jennifer co-hosts the Sell or Die podcast with her husband, Jeffrey.
She is the best-selling Author of Sales in a New York Minute – 212 Pages of Real-World, Easy to Implement Sales Strategies to Make More Sales, Build Loyal Relationships and Make More Money, the CEO and Founder of Breakthrough Business Babe and a master business growth coach. When she’s not working, you’ll find Jen planning her next Paris trip, taking a yoga class, playing tennis, or hanging out with her family and Cavalier King Charles fur babies.
Your challenge from this episode is to start journaling your beliefs. You can’t determine which are limiting and helpful if you don’t sit down and think about what your beliefs are in the first place. You also need to identify them as a belief, because what you choose to believe to be true is likely a belief and a choice, rather than full fact. Think about it, why do some people hate the living guts of Trump, while other people will go to the end of the earth for him? It’s beliefs, it’s up to what they believe to be true. They believe it so strongly to be a fact.
Is there a fact somewhere? Of course, some things are factual. Most of what we think about every day, however, is a belief. If you want to grow and get to the next level, you have to start questioning what beliefs you have that are holding you back. Sometimes they come up as a “What if?”, “What if my products aren’t good? What if I’m charging too much?”. What if instead of being so concrete in your beliefs and meanings out of things, you choose to see new perspectives? Imagine how many breakthroughs you can have if you decide to open up your mind just a bit more to create all new perspectives.
I want you to start thinking about these categories – revenue beliefs, company beliefs, personal life beliefs, family beliefs, everything. Some may be helping and serving you.
Here’s your breakthrough game plan: Outline what your beliefs are in every category mentioned above, and think about where you may need to walk around the other side and see things from a new perspective. When you open yourself up to a new perspective, you open yourself up to so much more possibility.
Don’t forget to tune in to episode 26 of the Breakthrough Babe Podcast. And if you love this episode, don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it on your Instagram stories and tag me @jengitomer so that we can spread this important message to even more entrepreneurs and biz babes!