Apres Networking: What Will They Remember You By? What will they talk about, save or do after the event?

by Jen Gluckow


Recently I wrote about networking like a dog.

And now that youre (hopefully) upping your networking game, what will they remember you by? How do you stand out? Did you give them your paw?

Not just at formal networking events, but at random meetings in elevators, hotel lobbies, or even public transportation. People standing or sitting next to you. You can make a new connection anywhere, but the key is being memorable enough to KEEP the connection.

Face it. Whether youre networking or having a sales meeting, regardless of the meeting type, casual or formal, the hopeful outcome that the customer remembers and continues to connect with you is still the same.

Your challenge: Make people want to connect with you after the meeting is over because of what you do while the meeting is taking place.

#Networking: Make people want to connect with you after a meeting is over because of what you do during the meeting. @JeninaNYminute

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Heres what you need to do during the meeting to be remembered, and create the desire for your connection to follow up with you for more

  • Give value. Offer your new connection something of value. This could be a business idea, a new connection that has the potential to help them, or a strategy about ways to grow their business.
  • Be present. While this seems pretty obvious, ask yourself this question: What else are you doing right now besides reading this article? If you answered with responding to a text, youll be doing the same thing when youre face to face.
  • Have a stand-out business card that others will save and show to others. Whats the first thing you do when someone gives you their business card? Okay, after glancing at it for a second? If youre like most people, you put it in your CRM, then in a drawer, a bag, or throw it away. When you have a one-of-a-kind business card, everyone looks at it, saves it, and shows it to someone else. This defines marketing!
  • Bring youre A-game (attraction game) commercial. If youre at a meeting where attendees are giving commercials, be confident, calm and inspiring. Make people laugh, and make them want to meet you one-on-one to learn more about you. At one of the first networking meetings I attended, the photographer said, I shoot your familyso you dont have to. Thats funny! When my best friend was looking for a photographer for her wedding, guess who I referred? Guess who got the sale! She shot the whole family.
  • Your thought provoking comment or advice. Dont try to force-fit in. Try to stand out in an attractive way. Standing out means you will be desirable in a business way. As long as you offer something a little off the edge that makes the others think and want more. Something that will help people further their business, their ideas or their concepts.
  • Your creativity. No need to add sparklers to your outfit, instead do something creative that makes you sparkle in the eyes of the prospect. The silent WOW.
  • Your attitude. Most formal and informal networking meetings happen before work and after work. And on your way there, you likely run into traffic (or train delays in NYC), or bad weather, or a long line at your coffee shop. Whatever it may be, check your attitude and your umbrella at the door. Arrive with a happy, smile that makes you approachable and referable.
  • Your follow up and follow through. Do you wanna work with someone who does what they say theyre gonna do? No explanation needed.

DO THIS: Using the strategies above, get the next meeting! The personal meeting. Challenge yourself to meet two new contacts a week for coffee or lunch. Document the results and the next steps. At the end of the year, you will have more than 100 new contacts that youve built some sort of relationship with. The key to building and maintaining these relationships is staying in contact by being valuable.

HINT: If they dont want to meet with you again, thats a report card.

APRES: Heres what you need to do after your one-to-one sit down conversation with your networking connection.

  • HONOR THEM: Add them to your weekly article to stay in touch and stay top of mind. Wait a minute, you do offer a weekly article, right? If not, what are you waiting for?
  • REMEMBER THEM: Remember specific things and specific dates not something stupid like their birthday. In fact, take a tip from Alice in Wonderland by wishing people a happy un-birthday. Get more in-depth and extend your relationship further by learning their anniversary, kids birthdays, grandkids birthdays, the day they started business events that are most meaningful to THEM.
    1. Follow them on all social platforms.
    2. Follow up with a nice note, and
    3. Follow through with all promises.
    These three elements are the most important keys to relationship success. Commit to expectations you can meet, and then beat them. Do what you say youre gonna do. This will make the difference between winning or losing sales in a NY Minute.

Personal invitation: If youre in the New York area, visit my next networking meeting near Penn station, and I will give you advice personally on how you can improve your networking game.

2016 Jennifer Gluckow and Sales in a New York Minute
www.SALESinaNYminute.com Jen@SALESinaNYminute.com


With co-host Jeffrey Gitomer, we bring in top sales professionals to give you the best advice to kick your own ass.