Episode Show Notes

Money On Demand

Money On Demand, Earn Revenue Now: The M.O.D.E.R.N Approach

I know with everything happening in our world, especially with Covid-19, many businesses have been struggling. On the other side, some businesses have been doing great. In episode 22 of the Breakthrough Babe Podcast, I want to dig deeper into the topic of creating money on demand for your business. I want to break down and walk you through my M.O.D.E.R.N approach, meaning, Money On Demand Earn Revenue Now.

But before we dive right in, let me introduce myself in case this is your first visit. I am your host, Jen Gitomer, creator of Breakthrough Babe and author of the best-selling book, Sales in a New York Minute.

And it is time to make massive breakthroughs in YOUR life. With each episode, you are going to move past your fears of asking for the sale, learn to build deep connections that lead to meaningful business results, and master sales strategies that will help you grow and scale your business. Each week, I will be providing you with tips to avoid common mistakes in your business, teach hacks to help you grow and scale faster, and teach you to ALWAYS ask for the sale with confidence.

It is time for you, the Breakthrough Babe, to create more sales, income, and connections in your business. Let’s get started!

In this episode, we are diving into how you can tap into money on demand and inject cash into your business right now. And for even more juicy details, listen to ALL of episode 22 of the Breakthrough Babe Podcast on your fave streaming platform.

Money On Demand

Money On Demand, Point #1: Breaking down what a VIP day looks like and what it means.

I got some awesome feedback on my previous episode relating to money on demand and questions around VIP days. So let’s break it down, first of all, a VIP day is when you come up with an agreed-upon transformation you will help your clients achieve in a day. It’s not necessarily always a day, maybe two half days or so. You create expectations that you are going to offer and the client is treated like a total VIP. The client walks away from that day with those transformations. This works well when you can achieve something specific. For example, if you just say you’ll help with breakthroughs, that isn’t as irresistible as if you told your client they will walk away with a sales copy or x,y, and z. Something more specific.

This is important because it’s super helpful for you as an entrepreneur to prove your concepts. Whatever strategies you are working on, maybe want to sell in a course, you can test out on your VIP day. You will see immediately if that is working or if you need to tweak it. You will have immediate feedback versus putting it into a course and not knowing what questions may come up for your clients. I’ve sold VIP days from $5,000 to $25,000 and I know that if you have the transformation backing that you will be able to provide to your client and solve their problem, people will pay for it.

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Money On Demand, Point #2: You need to create a totally irresistible offer.

When you are building your offer and aiming to create money on demand, all the things that need to go into it include your price, how you will promote it, what your ideal client needs, and what that looks like. How do you structure your VIP day? Then, what are the side effects? What happened as a result of them taking your VIP offer? These are good side effects, once you create your irresistible offer, you need to think about the promotion. How are you going to make your client throw their credit card at you? Part of that is creating an irresistible offer. 

You need to fall in love with your offer. We have an offer now at my husband’s company that I created. It’s a collaboration of all his offers, coaching, and content, I am head over heels in love with the offer as much as you could be. If I could marry an offer, I’d marry that offer. If I could marry my VIP offers, I’d marry them. They are that freakin’ good. Until for some reason these products or services are no longer needed, I will be offering them. That’s how valuable I believe these offers are, and that’s how you need to feel about your offers. When you wake up in the morning and think about how you are going to serve your audience, you need to think about your offers and truly believe in the power of it. 

Money On Demand

About your host

Jen Gitomer gained her prowess in NYC as both a salesperson and award-winning sales leader for a Fortune 500 company. She left corporate America to fulfill her entrepreneurial dream. Jennifer helps entrepreneurs increase their revenue and profit through her proven sales strategies. In addition to the Breakthrough Business Babe Podcast, Jennifer co-hosts the Sell or Die podcast with her husband, Jeffrey.

She is the best-selling Author of Sales in a New York Minute – 212 Pages of Real-World, Easy to Implement Sales Strategies to Make More Sales, Build Loyal Relationships and Make More Money, the CEO and Founder of Breakthrough Business Babe and a master business growth coach. When she’s not working, you’ll find Jen planning her next Paris trip, taking a yoga class, playing tennis, or hanging out with her family and Cavalier King Charles fur babies.

Money On Demand, Point #3: I love VIP days because they are a quick way to inject cash into your business and demonstrate impact for your clients.

In regards to money on demand, wIth VIP days, I love them because they are a quick way to inject cash into your business and demonstrate impact for your clients. Can you add other things to VIP days? Of course. Your clients may want to continue longer-term packages and see what they can walk away from with you, however, VIP days are a great foot in the door and the best way to spend a lot of time with someone to go deeper. Sometimes on an hour-long coaching call, it’s hard to go deep. Of course, it’s important to still achieve breakthroughs. A VIP day is like a coaching call on steroids, you are walking away with so much transformation.

Your clients can go back and implement the damn thing you taught them and stop getting in their way, you are helping them remove obstacles and get out of their way. You are helping them create the transformation needed to achieve their next level, regardless of what it is they want to do. Imagine bottling up all your skills as a service in a day or so, and having your clients walk away with something huge and feeling like they’ve achieved something huge. It’s an incredible feeling but this all starts with the plan. You must create an irresistible offer, and the client has to be mutual. Even if they have the money to pay, if they aren’t an ideal client for you, it may be better off to pass on them. If they aren’t the right fit, by closing the door on them, you are opening new space for the ideal clients to come into your life.

Money On Demand, Earn Revenue Now: The M.O.D.E.R.N Approach: The Bottomline

So here’s your breakthrough game plan: I want you to get something out of this episode in terms of what your VIP days could look like and how you can start selling them. Start determining how you can create that irresistible offer that makes your clients raise their virtual hands and practically throw their credit card at you. Go figure out your VIP days plan, if you want further help on this, DM me on Instagram. I will send you the link to my program and set up a consultation call as well. Visit www.jengitomer.com/vipday for more information.

Don’t forget to tune in to episode 22 of the Breakthrough Babe Podcast. And if you love this episode, don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it on your Instagram stories and tag me @jengitomer so that we can spread this important message to even more entrepreneurs and biz babes!