Have you been taking enough risks? In episode 33 of the Breakthrough Babe Podcast, I’m talking all about risks life or risks in business. For me, a risk is taking a chance on something that has an uncertain outcome. So, are you taking enough risk? Keep reading to find out!
But before we dive right in, let me introduce myself in case this is your first visit. I am your host, Jen Gitomer, creator of Breakthrough Babe and author of the best-selling book, Sales in a New York Minute.
And it is time to make massive breakthroughs in YOUR life. With each episode, you are going to move past your fears of asking for the sale, learn to build deep connections that lead to meaningful business results, and master sales strategies that will help you grow and scale your business. Each week, I will be providing you with tips to avoid common mistakes in your business, teach hacks to help you grow and scale faster, and teach you to ALWAYS ask for the sale with confidence.
It is time for you, the Breakthrough Babe, to create more sales, income, and connections in your business. Let’s get started!
In this episode, we are talking all about risks and about how you need to get out of your comfort zone from time to time to reach success. And for even more juicy details, listen to ALL of episode 33 of the Breakthrough Babe Podcast on your fave streaming platform.
I want you to reflect upon the last six months or so. Ask yourself if you’ve been taking risks in business or life, or if you’ve just been staying in your comfort zone. Have you taken risks that have led to success? Here’s a small example I have on how you can take risks, even in your everyday life. When I go anywhere with a big parking lot like a mall, I take a risk. I decide that I will manifest a parking spot close to the entrance. I’ll visualize this as I drive into the parking lot. I am that person who does this every time, and ALMOST every single time, I will get a parking spot right in the front. This is because I believed in getting that spot and took the chance. You could call this luck but then that’d be extreme luck. I believe it is more than that. It’s the power of attraction and the universe hears you.
With that in mind, I think it’s important that you know and believe that you are capable to attract anything you want. The question is, are you trying to attract enough? If you’re unsure how to start taking these risks, you can start with small risks like my parking spot risk example. Once you do these smaller risks, you will find that you take bigger risks in business or life with less hesitation. How you begin to believe in yourself and your powers is how you will believe in your business as well. One aspect of life affects all aspects of life.
In this episode of The Breakthrough Business Babe Podcast, we will be discussing how to create the game plan for your most productive days yet!
This is for female entrepreneurs who want to sell without being salesy, get to that next level, create consistent income and create both time and financial freedom.
Join and create YOUR breakthrough, babe.
In this episode of The Breakthrough Business Babe Podcast, I’m sharing principles of marketing that are effective in ANY time and situation!
When you take a leap of faith in yourself and take a risk of putting trust in the outcome, you will grow exponentially. The secret to growth lies in stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking those risks. I want you to think about what you’re doing right now to take a chance on yourself. How are you telling yourself that you have full belief in your power? When you do put your belief into yourself and know that everything will turn out okay, 99% of the time it will turn out okay. When it comes to myself taking a risk, I first put myself in a mindset where I trust the outcome. You have to accept the outcome, even if it’s unfavorable towards you.
Also, keep in mind the more you take risks, you will have more chances of greatness as well as failure. You have to embrace failure. Usually, we view failure with a negative connotation, but you have to stop viewing it that way. Guess what? Even if you fail, there is a lesson learned. To me, that’s not a failure at all. That’s showing that you stepped out of your comfort zone and grew in some way. Then keep repeating this process. Keep taking those risks. The risks can start small, just like my parking spot example. I started these parking spot manifestations two years ago, but look at what that’s grown into now. This year, I was able to manifest a condo on the beach. Don’t underestimate the power of risk-taking!
Jen Gitomer gained her prowess in NYC as both a salesperson and award-winning sales leader for a Fortune 500 company. She left corporate America to fulfill her entrepreneurial dream. Jennifer helps entrepreneurs increase their revenue and profit through her proven sales strategies. In addition to the Breakthrough Business Babe Podcast, Jennifer co-hosts the Sell or Die podcast with her husband, Jeffrey.
She is the best-selling Author of Sales in a New York Minute – 212 Pages of Real-World, Easy to Implement Sales Strategies to Make More Sales, Build Loyal Relationships and Make More Money, the CEO and Founder of Breakthrough Business Babe and a master business growth coach. When she’s not working, you’ll find Jen planning her next Paris trip, taking a yoga class, playing tennis, or hanging out with her family and Cavalier King Charles fur babies.
If you are looking to grow personally or in business, risk-taking is crucial. If you want to reach that next level, I encourage you to start pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. Your breakthrough game plan this week is to take a few minutes and think about risks you’ve taken this year. If you did take a risk, ask yourself what the outcome was. Then ask yourself what you need to do to take things to the next level as we enter 2021.
Don’t forget to tune in to episode 33 of the Breakthrough Babe Podcast. And if you love this episode, don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it on your Instagram stories and tag me @jengitomer so that we can spread this important message to even more entrepreneurs and biz babes!